We all need time away from home. A time to put all the problems and frustrations we normally have to deal with off to the side. Take time to really get away. For so long I took a mini-vacation. Two or three days seemed to be sufficient. And yet when I came home it seemed like I hadn’t really been able to relax. All the tasks were there staring me in the face and the break seemed too brief.
But on this recent trip to Atlanta my husband and I took an extra day to make the trip both there and back home. We stayed at a hotel and that short time of spending time together without interference was a godsend. No bothersome phone calls from work; no interrupting phone calls at home; the ability to carry on a conversation completely in full sentences; and no tasks to handle like laundry or tidying up the kitchen or other parts of the home. A complete break away from things. What a change it made in my attitude.