If ever there was a day that I wanted to end it was yesterday. I got up rested and ready to write but it went downhill from there. I had to run an errand at the bank only to have the bank inform me that they thought the check I was going to deposit was bogus. Great!
I returned home to work on the computer and every time I turned around this "bug" kept popping up. I absolutely was totally fed up with the dumb thing and I rebooted my computer at least twice only to have the stupid thing come up again. I tried searches that only ended in places where they were unable to load the site. I was ready to go on a bashing spree and clobber anything that got in my way. Then, as it that was enough the cat bawled all day. I knew he wanted some attention but I was so frustrated at the computer that I sent him out of the room and closed the door. The bawling didn't stop.
My husband called from work to remind me that we were going out of town. Drat! I completely forgot about it. Then when my son called to double check if it was okay if his wife's sister and husband were staying there due to no electric would that be okay. My hubby readily agreed without checking with me when my preference would have been to make it another weekend. BTW, he wasn't much help throughout the evening. He had his face glued to the RNC and pretty much ignored me. I could have been a ghost wandering through the house and he wouldn't even felt a chill.
I simply couldn't relax. My mind kept replaying the event at a business meeting that frustrated me and I felt was ridiculous. The group voted on the item but I am still upset. No matter how hard I tried all day I just couldn't relax one muscle. I sat down, I got up, I sat down again and then I got up again. Total bummer! I considered taking a whole sleeping which would have knocked me out for 24 hours, fought the idea and finally went to bed around midnight frazzled(with the right balance of meds). Once I got asleep I slept around the clock. What a difference it makes in just getting sleep.
Maybe today will be better. I sure hope so! No way do I want an instant replay of yesterday!
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